Off of Roswell Rd. in Sandy Springs is another great spot if you're looking for good food and beer in the Atlanta area. I've managed to become friends with Dennis the few times I've been there and he was nice enough to not only give me a tour of the brewery, but also to let me try a VERY hard to come by brew called Tactical Nuclear Penguin (32% ABV, brewed by Brew Dog in Scotland). They brew several kinds of beer there and the process itself is all in house. They even regulate the CO2 production in the secondary fermentation cycle so they don't have to gas charge the brew going into there large draught vats (the 15 barrel containers behind the window upstairs). They also offer other beers that are sent through the tertiary fermentation process such as their Flanders and Brune. The food is great too. If you're on that side of town, stop in for a brew and talk to Dennis...he's always there.
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